What does play in a virtual world look like?


We attended PLAY Live: What does play in a virtual world look like?, an Engage training event exploring how the Whitworth art gallery’s Early Years programme has moved online and into people’s homes.

Delivered by the PLAY live team, (Lucy Turner, Early Years Producer & Annabel Newfield, Creative Practitioner), we experienced a thrilling virtual play session to explore ways of inviting children under 5, and their grown-ups, to come together to play, be curious and be creative with simple, everyday items in the home.

PLAY live sessions embrace the concept of the ‘atelier’, an environment which, in the Reggio Emilia educational approach, is a welcoming and inspiring place offering a wide variety of materials for encouraging experimentation, intuition and spontaneous creativity.

We’re big fans of the atelier here at Offset, so do click here to visit the Whitworth’s website for ideas which inspire creative, child-led play via online platforms.


Creative Professional Development


Working with communities